Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmas is almost here

The end of the year is rapidly approaching again. So much has happened this year. It is amazing how fast it seems time flies these days. We are all so busy with our everyday lives, that we forget to stop and smell the roses around us.

This year I decided to not do our regular Christmas card and family letter. As most of you know, I am about 7.5 months pregnant with baby #3. We are getting our family pictures taken in January, and after this little girl is born, so I didn't exactly want to take pictures now to put in the cards. Next year I will pick up again where we left off though.

This past year has seen many changes, yet somehow things seem to remain relatively the same.

Chris has taken the POST (Police Office Standards Test) and passed. He did an amazing job. Now it is the start of what I think will be a long process of trying to get hired on with a City police department. As of right now, we are not super picky about where he is looking, but we are keeping it to the Salt Lake valley. If he doesn't find something by this coming summer then he may extend his applications to other areas.

As for me, I am busy growing a baby. I am still working for the law firm, and for the childrens clothing store. I am taking some time off of school until this baby is born. I have one....yes thats right....only ONE class left until I am done with my nursing pre-reqs. I will be waiting until next fall to do that class though. I started it this year, but with being pregnant and working and other life thing....it just didn't turn out how I wanted it.

Brayden is half way through his 1st grade year. He has a love/hate relationship with school. He loves being there with his friends, and learning. He hates having to wake up and get ready for school 5 days a week. He stopped racing BMX but we are hoping that once summer comes again he will get back into it.

Boston started preschool and is really enjoying it. He is learning his colors and is just starting on his letters. It is so amazing to hear him say things or answer questions that I didn't think he even knew the answer too.

Callie is growing and kicking and becoming a very active baby. We have almost got her room all set up and ready, but I still have lots of decorating to do. We are very much looking forward to meeting her in February.

May each and every one of you have a blessed Christmas and a amazing new year!

1 comment:

Chris and Malissa said...

So excited for your new bundle to arrive!