Tuesday, January 10, 2012

34 weeks and counting

We had another doctors appointment yesterday (yes they just seem to keep coming and coming) but I am now 34 weeks and counting. My DR also checked me and I am "fingertip" (if I am not a full 1 cm yet...why bother calling it anything???) and 50% thinned out. This is a good sign. It means that I am well on my way to being ready to have this little girl when the time comes.

I am so close to having her nursery done as well. I am just waiting on her wood letters to arrive, hanging her butterflies, and then getting her rose balls done. Once those things are said and done I will be sharing pictures with everyone.

I am also ready to have this little girl so I can start the process of trying to get back in shape. I am not complaining by any means though. I LOVE being pregnant. I have yet to have a difficult or bothersome pregnancy (not to brag). I will miss feeling her move and her little kicks, but I am SO ready to go for a nice long walk/run.

Weather here in Utah (as with everywhere else) has been crazy so far. We have seriously had like NO snow and VERY mild temperatures. This excites me because once she is born I want to take her out walking as soon as my body is feeling up for it! Don't want the bitter freezing cold temps holding us all indoors.

Life is still going amazing well. Chris has started his new job, got his "new" (well new to us) truck for work, and everything else is moving at a steady pace.

May you all have a wonderful week!!

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