Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Camping at Jordanelle

A few weekends ago we decided it was time to take the family camping. 1st camping trip of the year and it was SOOOOO nice even though it was only for 1 night. We usually go camping up in the mountains surrounded by trees and forest but since it was the beginning of the season we went to an actual camp site. Along with us came our very good friends the Archuleta's.

Boys in the tent (set on a concrete pad). Not the most comfortable place....but hey....its camping!

Our little campsite

Boston watching Daddy & Brother play in the water

Seriously how big is he getting!!!

Boston thought it was cool sitting in the "middle" of the water



Brayden & Keaton

I hope you all get to at least get out and enjoy nature once this summer :)

1 comment:

Crystal Escobar said...

Oh looks like you had a great time!!!