Monday, January 11, 2010

2010 & some other stuff

It is amazing how fast time is flying by. My boys are growing up so fast before my eyes. I swear every morning when I wake up they have grown a month or so. So far this year has already been a challenge. As I posted earlier, in December out upstairs bathroom flooded and had to be remodeled. Well then a week or so ago Chris came home and noticed a puddle in our kitchen. Turns out a semi-new dishwasher (about 2 years old) got a crack in it and has been leaking under our kitchen floors for sometime. Well my wonderful husband managed to rip up the flooring, dry everything out, then piece it all back together again. Now our kitchen is back to normal, other than we no longer have a dishwasher and have to hand wash everything. I really dont mind that much though.

About 4 days after that we went down into our basement storage room and saw this:

That would be our water heater rusting out and leaking all over the floor. We had few people come and give us estimates to fix it and were basically told that we had 1 MAYBE 2 days before the bottom completely rusted through and we would have a completely flooded basement. So once again my husband (with the help of Dave, Anthony and my dad over the phone) went out and got a water heater, then replaced it himself. It is so nice to be married to a handyman :)

A picture of Brayden with his dog

Brayden and Boston

Snuggling up in one of their Christmas Jammies

New Years was fun. We took our 2 little nieces over to a friends house and hung out until about 11:30. Then we packed up the sleepy bunch and headed home. We got home with enough time to put each kid into bed, get in our comfy clothes and turn on the TV with 2 minutes to spare until the countdown. We shared a kiss at midnight, and then headed off to bed ourselves. It may seem like a "boring" New Years for some, but for me it was just wonderful!

Here I am with our kids, our nieces and our friends daughter.

Sommer taking a picture of Chris taking a picture of her.

How big are they getting. Here they are eating breakfast one morning at the counter.

Brayden and his best friend before preschool the other day.

Boston LOVES wearing his darn snow boots.

Boston decided he wanted to wear his bowl on his head.

Our friends Mike & Tracie took us and the boys to monster trucks on Friday night. (They are such amazing friends). Here are some pictures from that.

1 comment:

Chris and Malissa said...

Oh crystal... I love all your pictures! Where oh where did you find the fishing boat book shelves?